CMF welcomes recent appointments at CBC/Radio-Canada

Toronto, April 3, 2018 - The Canada Media Fund (CMF) welcomes Minister Joly’s appointment of Catherine Tait as the new President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, as well as the appointments of Guillaume Aniorté, Michael Goldbloom, Suzanne Guèvremont and Sandra B. Singh to the public broadcaster’s Board of Directors.

“By nominating, for the first time, a highly-qualified and experienced woman to this role, Minister Joly has taken a very important step towards greater gender balance in our public and cultural institutions,” said Valerie Creighton, President and CEO, CMF. “On behalf of the CMF, I would like to congratulate Catherine Tait on her nomination to the position of President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada. The CMF also welcomes the newly-appointed directors to the Board.”

“I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Catherine on various projects, including the early work which lead to the launch of the Encore+ YouTube channel. Catherine’s passion and dedication to Canadian storytelling, coupled with her international experience and deep knowledge of the industry will be an asset to CBC/Radio-Canada, as it continues its profoundly important work of bringing Canadians together through our common stories,” she added.

“I am certain Catherine’s vision and collaborative approach, will equip Canada’s public broadcaster to face the challenges and opportunities created by the digital transformation, and increasing disruption throughout the industry,” she concluded.

About the Canada Media Fund
The Canada Media Fund (CMF) fosters, develops, finances and promotes the production of Canadian content and applications for all audiovisual media platforms. The CMF guides Canadian content towards a competitive global environment by fostering industry innovation, rewarding success, enabling a diversity of voice and promoting access to content through public and private sector partnerships. The CMF receives financial contributions from the Government of Canada and Canada’s cable, satellite and IPTV distributors. Please visit


Media enquiries:

André Ferreira
Communications Manager
Canada Media Fund
(416) 554-2768
[email protected]