Interactive Digital Media Reporting
Important Notice for Interactive Digital Media (IDM) and Digital Content Creator Applicants
As of April 1st, 2024, audience and success reporting (“Success Reporting”) for successful IDM Applicants will be changing. Please read the following carefully.
(Information pertaining to Digital Content Creator Contracts is at the bottom of the screen – please scroll down)
All IDM projects will be required to complete three pieces of reporting, according to their reporting schedule:
- Gross Sales Reporting
- Audience Metrics and Analytics
- Company Achievements
Further details on each element are below.
GETTING SET UP: Success Reporting Milestone
As per their CMF contract, IDM applicants (or third parties hosting IDM Projects on behalf of IDM applicants) must begin reporting before, or at the latest when, they launch their project. To be set up for reporting, the Success Reporting Milestone must be completed.
Applicants must update their project launch date, AND either a) provide a Steam URL (if available) OR b) be approved for self-reporting.
- To Confirm or update project launch date: contact your analyst with the date, who will update Dialogue.
- To provide a Steam URL (if available): Enter the URL in the Success Reporting Milestone section of your Dialogue file.
- To be approved for Audience self-reporting: Email [email protected] to request confirmation of self-reporting. You will then upload a copy of your email confirmation in Dialogue to complete the Success Reporting Milestone.
- Contact the CMF Program Administration team (CMFPA) at Telefilm to request an extension, or if the project launches before the Beta Milestone date.
- Note: Non-compliance will result in the project being placed in default, and final payment will be withheld until the requirement is fulfilled.
- You will be required to submit a Gross Sales Report in Dialogue for seven (7) years after receiving your Phase II Payment, at the following frequencies:
- Semi-anually for the first three (3) years: On February 1st and August 1st each year for the periods ending on December 31st and June 30th;
- Annually for the next four (4) years*: On February 1st OR August 1st for the year each year for the periods ending on December 31st and June 30th;
- *Note: for Iteration Program recipients only: This annual reporting obligation is extended to seven (7) years.
Audience metrics will be gathered in one of two ways:
- Steam URL – If you provided a Steam ID at the Success Reporting Milestone stage, no further steps for audience metrics are required. The CMF will use this information to gather the necessary information.
- Self Reporting – If you do not have or decline to provide a Steam ID for the project, you will be required to complete a manual Audience Success Report in Dialogue, at the same frequency as the Gross Sales Report.
- In addition to the above reports, the CMF will send a bi-annual survey covering qualitative questions on company achievements, for the six month periods ending on December 31st and June 30th, for the duration of the Applicant’s reporting period.
- This information will be utilized to help the CMF evaluate the impact of its funding programs, though it is not directly related to funding decisions.
Note: All above Reporting is mandatory. Failure to complete any element could result in the project being placed in Default and continued non-compliance can limit the ability for the Applicant to receive further financing.
NEW for 2024-25 Recipients: Digital Creators will be required to participate in a bi-annual survey on Company Achievements:
- the CMF will send a bi-annual survey covering qualitative questions on company achievements, for the six month periods ending on December 31st and June 30th, for two (2) years following submission of your final report.
- This information will be utilized to help the CMF evaluate the impact of its funding programs, though it is not directly related to funding decisions.
If you have any questions or need to revise information about the status of your project, contact your assigned CMFPA Analyst.