Rob Scarth appointed to the Board of the Canada Media Fund

Toronto, June 28, 2012 – The Canada Media Fund (CMF) announces the nomination of Rob Scarth to the CMF’s Board of Directors following the General Assembly held in Montreal today.

Rob Scarth has over 20 years of experience in policy development, regulatory affairs and business consulting with executive level skills in policy & strategic planning, business planning, negotiation, and market analysis.

He has been Director, Regulatory Affairs at the CBC; Vice President, Television for the Canadian Association of Broadcasters; and a consultant providing strategic, market and economic analysis for Nordicity Group Ltd as well as several other organizations in the Canadian entertainment and media sector.

Rob Scarth joins current CMF Board members: Louis L. Roquet, Chair, Board of Directors; Cheryl Barker, Chair, Audit Committee; Alison Clayton, Chair, Governance and Human Resources Committee; Ron Close; Guy Fournier; and Glenn Wong.

CMF Board members are nominated by two member organizations: the Canadian Coalition for Cultural Expression (CCCE), representing Canada’s cable and satellite distributors and the Government of Canada, through Canadian Heritage.

For additional information on CMF Board members as well as on our governance policies, please click here.

About the Canada Media Fund
The Canada Media Fund (CMF) champions the creation and promotion of successful, innovative Canadian content and software applications for current and emerging digital platforms through financial support and industry research. Created by Canada's cable and satellite distributors and the Government of Canada, the CMF aspires to connect Canadians to our creative expressions, to each other, and to the world.


For more information, please contact:

Pierre Campeau
Communications Manager
Canada Media Fund
[email protected]
(416) 554-2768