CMF announces over $792K investments in codevelopment and coproduction with Luxembourg and South Africa

Toronto, December 18, 2020 – The Canada Media Fund (CMF), in partnership with two international funding organizations, today announced they will contribute over CAD$792K in either the codevelopment and coproduction of five projects which applied for funding through CMF international incentives with Film Fund Luxembourg (FFL) and South Africa’s National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF).

The two international funding organizations will approximately match the CMF’s total investments of CAD$405K in codevelopment and coproduction investments.

Through the Canada-Luxembourg Co-Development and Co-Production Incentive for Audiovisual Projects, CMF and FFL are contributing CAD$597.4K to the codevelopment and coproduction of two digital media projects. The two organizations started their partnership in 2018-2019 and have since invested just over CAD$2M in nine projects, including this latest round of funding.

Giltrude's DwellingPeterson Polaris CorpCalach Films$58,013$41,475
The DollhouseZazie FilmsWild Fang Films$250,000$248,000

The CMF and the National Film and Video Foundation of South Africa have since 2017-2018 invested CAD$594.3K to the codevelopment of eight television projects. Through this round of funding, both organizations will invest an additional CAD$194.3K in the following three projects.

The Transmogrification of St. BunnycrispArcana Studio Inc.DO Productions$31,815$32,500
Blood Horn (working title)Don Carmody Television Inc.Helena Spring Films (PTY) Ltd.$32,500$32,500
RIO 10Inner City Films Inc.Spier Films$32,500$32,500

Projects were evaluated and chosen by selection committees composed of representatives from CMF and each of its international funding partners.

About the Canada Media Fund
The Canada Media Fund (CMF) fosters, promotes, develops and finances the production of Canadian content and relevant applications for all audiovisual media platforms. The CMF guides Canadian content towards a competitive global environment through fostering industry innovation, rewarding success, enabling a diversity of voice and promoting access to content through industry and private sector partnerships. To learn more, please visit

About Film Fund Luxembourg
Film Fund Luxembourg encourages and promotes the development of the audiovisual production sector in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg through grants, financial assistance, subsidies, bursaries and rewards. The support mechanism for the audiovisual industry is a selective system of advances on earnings called “Selective Financial Aid” (SFA) for scriptwriting, concepts and development, as well as for the production of short and feature films, fiction and animated television series, documentaries and projects in the areas of transmedia, virtual and augmented reality, and other new technologies.

About NFVF
The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF), is an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, that was created to ensure the equitable growth of South Africa's film and video industry. This is done by providing funding for the development, production, marketing and distribution of films and the training and development of filmmakers. In addition, the NFVF commissions research and produces industry statistics that provide both the public and stakeholders with valuable insights into the South African film industry. For more information, visit


For more information, please contact:

André Ferreira
Senior Communications Manager
Canada Media Fund
[email protected]