English Production Incentive opens its doors to all eligible regions of the country
The Canada Media Fund (CMF) would like to remind the industry that the English Production Incentive (EPI) program will combine any unspent funds remaining in any provincesterritories on October 16th. The remaining funds will be accessible to projects from any 2012-2013 eligible provinceterritory on a first-come first served basis starting October 17th. Please visit cmf-fmc.ca on October 17 to find out the amount of funding available.
The CMF Program Administrator|Telefilm Canada will start accepting applications from producers in any eligible province/territory as of 9 a.m. (in their relevant time zone) on Wednesday, October 17. Applications will be accepted until November 27, 2012--the final closing date—or until funds are depleted.
Applications will not be considered complete until all documents are submitted to and approved by Telefilm Canada. For applicants who have already submitted a project for EPI or any other CMF programs, only an amended Broadcaster Agreement Form (BAF) is required.
The EPI program was designed to encourage production in areas where production activity dropped significantly below a 5-year average.
For more information, please click here, or communicate with the CMF Program Administrator|Telefilm Canada in your region.
About the Canada Media Fund
The Canada Media Fund champions the creation of successful, innovative, Canadian content and software applications for current and emerging digital platforms through financial support and industry research. Created by Canada’s cable and satellite distributors and the Government of Canada, the CMF aspires to connect Canadians to our creative expressions, to each other, and to the world. Please visit www.cmf-fmc.ca.
The CMF’s Canadaonscreen.ca is a website designed to showcase and celebrate Canadian creative talent and Canadian content destined for all types of screens, from television productions to games, Web content and software and applications.
For more information, please contact:
Pierre Campeau
Communications Manager
[email protected]