Season 1

Lights, Camera, Inclusion

Welcome to Lights, Camera, Inclusion, the first video series produced by Now & Next, Canada Media Fund’s editorial platform. We’ll take a look at the issues related to inclusion and representation on Quebec screens and the potential we see on the horizon. 20 experts will weigh in and discuss solutions in this 5-episode series.

Episode 1

Assessing the situation and defining an inclusive industry

This first episode assesses the current situation in terms of diversity and equity, and explores the definition of a truly inclusive screen industry in Quebec.

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Episode 2

How do we achieve authentic onscreen representation?

In this second episode, we’ll come back to the importance of recognizing one’s self on screen, and discuss the larger implications of having media that’s representative of a constantly-evolving population.

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Episode 3

How can we support creatives in building a more inclusive industry?

In this third episode, we address the importance of supporting creative youth from all horizons, and of breaking established frameworks to instill new ways of doing, creating, and representing diversity on our screens.

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Episode 4

How can we encourage more equitable access and sharing in broadcasting?

In this fourth episode, we’ll talk about the central role broadcasters play in diversifying content shown on Quebec screens, and about the urgent need for them to make room for new players and leaders from Indigenous, racialized, and other diverse communities.

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Episode 5

New models and business opportunities: what is digital media’s role?

In this fifth and final episode, the conversation is focused on digital media and what distinguishes it from traditional media in terms of representation and inclusion.

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