Futur et médias Podcast – A 2020 Vision of Discoverability

In this age of on-demand content, and at a time when media consumption is increasing rapidly, how can we make sure that Canadian audiovisual productions find their way onto screens ― here at home and around the world? In this episode of Futur et médias, Canada Media Fund Director of Industry and Market Trends Catherine Mathys drills down on discoverability with three key players from Canada’s audiovisual industry.

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Discoverability: Where to begin?

How discoverability works is a great mystery to many people in the business, but not for Andrée Harvey and Véronique Marino. The two digital media consultants are co-founders of consulting firm LaCogency, which specializes in business models, technologies, and all-things digital ― including the secrets of discoverability.

Marcel Gallant is a producer and director at Bedford, Nova Scotia-based Connections Productions, the company behind hit shows like ‘Pour l’amour du country,’ ‘Vague d’Acadie,’ ‘La gang des hors-la-loi’ and, more recently, ‘Tout simplement country.’ He also knows how to put discoverability best practices to work in connecting with fans.

All three joined Catherine Mathys to unpack the elusive but crucial mystery of discoverability. On the menu: best practices, the building blocks of discoverability, lessons learned, and low-cost, proven ways to improve the discoverability of any work of art.

The production of this episode was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Alliance des producteurs francophones du Canada, which is currently piloting the Au coeur de la découvrabilité study, a research project supported by Canadian Heritage, the Canada Media Fund, and the Bell Fund.

> Download a translated transcript of this episode

During this episode, you’ll learn more about:  

  • The four different types of actions you need to take in the discoverability process (2:37)
  • The best time to start thinking about a discoverability strategy (13:10)
  • How to engage in a dialog with algorithms (15:12)
  • The bases for assessing your own discoverability (17:24)

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About Futur et médias

Futur et médias podcasts feature meetings with leading industry players to discuss major changes and emerging trends in the media and entertainment sector. The Futur et médias podcast series is presented by the Canada Media Fund and hosted by CMF director of industry and market trends Catherine Mathys. Season 2 of the series is produced in collaboration with Transistor Média.