Women & Leadership: Study of Gender Parity and Diversity in Canada’s Screen Industries

A look at strategies, programs, and practices that have a positive effect on gender equality and cultural diversity in the screen industries.

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What are the strategies, programs and practices used in Canada and elsewhere in the world that have a positive effect on gender equality and cultural diversity in the screen industries? What lessons can be learned from the results of these strategies, programs and practices?

This study attempts to answer these questions using a mixed methodology that combines the collection and analysis of international programs, policies and laws that have contributed to advancing gender parity in the audiovisual industry. It also resorts to broad-based a survey of Canadian members of the industry as well as interviews conducted with agency and funding organization executives throughout the world as well as more than 30 Canadian women who hold executive positions in the audiovisual industry.

The results suggest adopting a 360⁰ approach to policies and programs to sustain durable change in Canada. The following components are deemed essential to the development of a national strategy:

  • Disclosure and research;
  • Financial incentives;
  • Voluntary inclusion initiatives;
  • Skills-based training;
  • Tackling women’s on-screen portrayal issue;
  • Support of women who are members of minority or underrepresented groups.